Friday, 20 July 2012

Types of for loops - part two

In part one I talked about the forlist statements and how these could be used to iterate through Uniface lists for easily.  The next thing I want to talk about is looping through entity occurrences. Personally I've always done this using a combination of setocc and $curocc, something like this...

  setocc "ent",1
  while ( $status > 0 )
    ;do something
    setocc "ent",$curocc(ent)+1

This has the advantage of not needing to use any variables for the loop.  However, it may be better for performance if a similar loop was used, but using variables to control it...

  count = 0
  stat = $hits(ent)
  while ( count < stat )
    count = count+1
    setocc "ent",count
    ;do something

Another alternative would be to use the new statement forentity, which was also added in Uniface 9.5...

  forentity "ent"
    ;do something

As you can see, the code is much more concise.  There is no need to initialise the count variable or  $status, everything is done as part of the forlist statement, and the incrementing and extracting are done automatically.  The "count" variable is optional, if you don't need it then you don't need to include it.

So let's test these three blocks of code over 65,000 iterations...

  • while ($curocc) = 00:00.47, 00:00.47, 00:00.47 (about half a second)
  • while (variables= 00:04.62, 00:04.25, 00:05.10 (about 5 seconds)
  • forentity = 00:00.37, 00:00.34, 00:00.35 (about a third of a second)

As you can see, the new forentity is more concise code and also performs better, fairly significantly over some alternatives.

I was surprised by how slow the second method was compared to the first.  The only explanation I have for this is that $hits is taking a long time to complete the hit-list before the loop starts, rather than completing the hit-list as it goes through the loop.  Turns out I’ve been doing it a pretty efficient way all along, but I like the simplicity of the new forentity statement.  Which leads me to an almost identical summary as in part one. 

Summary: Whilst I have previously always used while loops, I shall now be considering switching the forentity loops, for iterating through entity occurrences.

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